Query for Ledger, OU, Legal Enity, balancing segment:
SELECT hrl.country, hroutl_bg.NAME bg, hroutl_bg.organization_id,
lep.legal_entity_id, lep.NAME legal_entity,
hroutl_ou.NAME ou_name, hroutl_ou.organization_id org_id,
FROM xle_entity_profiles lep,
xle_registrations reg,
hr_locations_all hrl,
hz_parties hzp,
fnd_territories_vl ter,
hr_operating_units hro,
hr_all_organization_units_tl hroutl_bg,
hr_all_organization_units_tl hroutl_ou,
hr_organization_units gloperatingunitseo,
gl_legal_entities_bsvs glev
WHERE lep.transacting_entity_flag = 'Y'
AND lep.party_id = hzp.party_id
AND lep.legal_entity_id = reg.source_id
AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
AND hrl.location_id = reg.location_id
AND reg.identifying_flag = 'Y'
AND ter.territory_code = hrl.country
AND lep.legal_entity_id = hro.default_legal_context_id
AND gloperatingunitseo.organization_id = hro.organization_id
AND hroutl_bg.organization_id = hro.business_group_id
AND hroutl_ou.organization_id = hro.organization_id
AND glev.legal_entity_id = lep.legal_entity_id
It's too good.
ReplyDeleteCan you please clarify what is the difference between ledger and operating unit
ReplyDeletethis is helpful to understand from technical point of view,,,,good effort appreciate it keep it up.